Sunday, January 11, 2009

So much to say and do, moving day survival kit and Inaugural Day plans

i did something yesterday that may cost me more than i'm comfortable with.  

i want to talk about it without sounding boastful.  i want to share the feelings i am experiencing about the spell i cast.  i also have a lot of work to do today and feel the itch to get going... oh, laundry, clean the coop.  Oy... my list. 

i want to say a million things about a million things.  i'm on a coffee buzz and want to visit. Scone, anyone?  

Meet the Press is really enjoyable this morning.  If you can catch it, you should. Bill Cosby is a hero to me.  When i was 12 or 13 years old, i babysat for a teacher.  He and his wife had a collection of Bill Cosby records.  i loved babysitting for them.  They always left something nice for me to eat and i was allowed to play the records.  Sweet memory... nice.

i went to Freddys yesterday and purchased a Moving Day Survival Kit/Housewarming Gift.  Jesse and Kali (each eighteen years old) just got their first apartment.  i too, got my first apartment at 18... Ummm, the nut doesn't fall far. Hey, they saved their money for first, last, assorted deposits and fees and pet deposits.  As i understand it, they have money to spare.

Good for them!  And i told them so.  i told them i was proud of them and that they had been patient in their search for an apartment and that they had chosen well.  They are only a couple of miles away, in a nice neighborhood, close to work and us.  Well done!
They didn't have a rental history so they were being asked to get co-signers for the lease.  A family friend refused and so did i.  Neither Travis nor i can afford to pay any arrears if the two of them default on a lease. They talked a lady into taking a chance on them.  Good for them, good for the lady taking a chance on them!

Our new president is on This Week.  i am so proud of him.  He sets such a good example.  You want to do and be better after listening to him.  Another scone anyone?

Our new president just said that to find the First Dog has been harder than finding a Commerce Secretary.  Heeheeheehee.... Goddess, i'm giddy.

Moving Day Survival Kit

Oh, my Goddess!  Hold the phone!  i'll get back to the kit in a minute.  This Week now has a panel for discussion that includes George Will, Peggy Noonan, Newt Gingrich and Thomas Friedman!  Can you believe it?  OMG!  These people supported, even applauded those who broke us, those who shamed us, those who are destroying our planet.  i believe these four stooges would do it again. They are resisting Obama, in hopes of capitalizing on any failure Obama may have.  Revisionist historians!  Machiavellian propagandists!
I agree with Pilosi that the tax cuts to the rich must be repealed and RAISED!  You people got us here so now you must begin to at least contribute to our recovery.  Simple, stupid.

i cannot buy enough stuff to save the world.  In fact, that would destroy it faster.  
First Law: Reduce (Second Law: Reuse, Third Law: Recycle).  We need to buy less and redifine our buying habits, not mindlessly buy stuff.  

Ok, mi amigos.  i need a chill pill.  i'm going to go clean the chicken coop and start the laundry.  

I WILL WRITE AGAIN LATER.  Still need to give out the Moving Day Survival Kit and talk about Inauguration Day plans.  And i still want to talk about how it feels to do the kit/gift for the kids big day.

Later Chickies.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for all involved...good for them for getting all that money together. Good for you for keeping yourself safe...really...good for them!
