Monday, June 22, 2009

If you or i had to pull the trigger to kill the death row convict, how long would we support the death penalty?

Who decides who gets healthcare? i know there are some sickos out there who would love the job for the power rush, but most fair thinking people would not want the job of deciding who gets healthcare and who does not. Do you want to be the one who tells a person they cannot see a doctor?

DC elites, who have fabulous healthcare by the way, think that they can devise a plan to portion it out to the rest of us. All those groups protecting what they feel are their entitlements; the American Medical Association, free-market capitalists, insurance cabals and money-hungry politicians, all so full of themselves that they refuse to see the destruction they are raining down on we... the PEOPLE.

Healthcare is a right! Again, i ask, who would you turn away? i have heard a lot of talk lately pointing to smokers, fat people, drug addicts, even sports enthusiasts as costing the tax payers more for healthcare. Yes, even those who live well and for a long time will cost us more as they spend years in old folks homes. This is an old trick, people! Turn someone into a devil and you can deny them anything. Now you have justification. NO, you cannot see a doctor, you unhealthy, sick person!

i know i need to communicate my opinions to my Senators, Congressman and the White House but i really need to create a script. i am too angry to be effective. i want to convey my displeasure without them writing me off as a whack job.

i'm the daughter of a mailman. i know government can work and work well. For 44 cents a mailman will come to your house, take your letter anywhere in the country and deliver it to the address on the envelope. 44 cents, people. The post office has been ridiculed for years but it really is an amazing operation.

Yes, chickies and roos, i am working out some demons today. (so what else is new, you say) Some things in life are not for profit. Who would you turn away?

Monday, June 15, 2009

i am such a bitch sometimes.  i know my boss is difficult and flaky, so why can't i just accept the difficulties that she causes?  Why do i feel the need to point out the absurdities?  i have never been good at playing games.  i am not a good liar and can't pretend a pink elephant is anything other than a pink elephant.  
So here i sit stressed out and feeling bad because i cannot just go along... just shut up and go along.  

Well i just walked away for a few minutes to hang with my grandson.  Since i don't want to bitch anymore, i'm going to end on a high note.
Love you chickies and roos.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

i have never been as afraid of foreign terrorist as i have been of homegrown ones; namely those who profess to be protecting unborn babies.  There are plenty of people i am afraid of, like our government between 2000 and Jan. 20th 2009, like the police in Portland and like aggressive drivers but the people i fear the most are the self-righteous religious fanatics... of all strips.

i believe the reason congress will not give us single-payor healthcare is because they don't want to have a fight with those who want to keep women down.  That is the only way to put it. Barefoot and pregnant, is the old fashion phrase but it is the reality.  The men i know get very defensive when i speak up for women's rights.  There are a lot of reasons for that and i won't go into them but that keeps me from talking about women's rights in 'polite' company.  So many people, not just men, think the fight for our rights is over.  They are so wrong.  Roe v Wade is law but in practice women are denied their right to sovereignty over their own body by constricting access.  Equal pay for equal work is the law but we are not allowed to know the wages of fellow employee so we cannot confirm compliance to the law (another good reason to pass the card check law).

It occurred to me today that by law we protect the privacy of healthcare records (i work in medical billing and know the lengths we must go to protect medical records) but in the case of women's reproductive health all bets are off.  If a woman wants an abortion (for whatever reason) or wants birth control (either the pill or the morning after variety) she is subjected to a marathon of hurdles from healthcare professionals and pharmacists.  When it comes to a women's reproductive medical issues her privacy is lost.  She must seek cooperative professionals thus exposing her medical issue.  Where is equal protection?

i am mourning the assassination of Dr. Tiller and am having trouble processing it all.  i get so angry at people's deliberate ignorance.  Dr. Tiller performed late term abortions.  These types of abortions are agonizing decisions for the women involved but if you believe the lies of the righteous pro-lifers these women are callous baby killers who decide weeks before delivery that they no longer want the baby.  Holier-than-thous!  

There is a vigil here in Portland on Sunday at 6pm.  Go to Oregon Naral for more information.  i think i am going to go and maybe i will start volunteering at a women's health clinic.  Perhaps it's time to put my body where my mouth is.

Signing off in sorrow, chickies and roos,