Sunday, August 22, 2010

Finally Fall, garden woes, garden plans, oh my aching back and the good news

The year is coming into my favorite season.  i love the fall; probably because i dislike the heat of summer so much.  i don't mean to sound complaining, i'm not, but i prefer the cooler temperatures of spring and fall.  The hot of summer is necessary for my garden to grow so i don't complain especially after this summer.

Spring rains came late and were heavy.  None of my plants had good starts and everything is about a month behind.  i am glad i don't have to rely on my garden to eat.

Next year.... i am excited about next year.  i will have a whole new garden plot to use.  i will be spending some time this winter planning and plotting it.  my remaining garden box will become the sunflower and pumpkin patch.  i have a small greenhouse to use for starting seeds so i may go back to starting my plants from seeds.  We shall see...

When the weather finally dried out my son and i built a new coop inside my shed.  It turned out brilliantly.  i can heat it this winter when the temps drop and i can light it to better regulate the number of hours of light.  i learned that some chickenkeepers use light to keep the chickens laying eggs during the short days of winter.  So i am going to  try that.

i reached into my fridge for an ear of corn, my back went ZOING and i was bent over for days.  i missed a few days of work and i had spasms that you would not believe. At one point, i was stuck down on the floor for about an hour.  i had been trying to do my back exercises but the spasms started in and there i was, unable to move.  All good now!  But i have chores to catch up on.

There is some really good news... my son got his old job back!  It is so great.  i have been carrying the load for almost two years now.

And, my grandson starts school in just a couple weeks.  i hope he loves it.  It is so important to love school but for him it is also a chance make friends and have playmates.  He spends way too much time with adults.

One last note.  In my quest to find ways to be environmentally sound and ways to save money i have learned to make a bunch of different cleaning products.  i will post about that next... with recipes.  i'm talking laundry detergent, shampoo, hair conditioner etc. This is stuff you use everyday and you will save soooo much money.

Before my battery goes, i better sign off.  Love to all you chickies and roos.  i'm off to pick raspberries (finally ripe, about a month late).