Sunday, September 06, 2009

Check out what the rain is doing to my mammoths! EEE! Hold on tight, you're not ready to harvest yet.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

i created a facebook page... OMGoddess!

i usually pick cucumbers and raspberries on Saturday but it is raining today so i am spending alot of time on the interwebs.

i joined Facebook, finally. i put it off for a long time because i like my anonymity but finding my old Warriors of Light amigos has made it all worth while.

The whole healthcare debate has me very worked up but i am calmer today because i joined Facebook and immediately found mi amigos de La Guerreros de la Luz. We all met in Mexico City in November of 2001. They are my spiritual brothers and sisters and they live all over Central and South America.

Speaking of Central and South America, i need to add a quick explanation here about why i am careful about the use of the descriptive Americans when i speak about my countrymen (and women). There are Americans from northernmost Canada to the southernmost point in Argentina. So, you can see why i try to be careful about that. i have many American friends who are not from the USA.

i emailed President Obama yesterday. i tried to make a reasoned argument for Medicare For All. i am very discouraged about healthcare reform. It just seems like my countrymen are so selfish, greedy and narcissistic. But on second thought, i think it is only my country's politicians. The polls show the people want single-payer or at least a strong public option. It is all very disheartening.

Got Hope?

President Obama is really in a pickle. He brought it on himself because he wants the cooperation of the right. So much so, that he thinks progressives like myself will go along. Rahm Emanual even wants us to shut-up.

You shut-up!

Anyway, President Obama has quite a dilemma. If he pushes for a public option he will get the House but not the Senate and if he drops the public option, he loses the House and may get the Senate (i think the Senate is a club and not a legislative body).

He can't win for losing.

But, like i said, he brought it on himself and i fear his presidency is doomed. i want to support my president but he does not want to support me and mine. Wednesday night he will speak to the nation and then i will know if he wants us to continue to be a nation of 'me' or if we will start down the road of the nation of 'we'.

Time to get some chores done so i will see you later.
Love and hugs, chickies and roos.