Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Cameras, cocoons and the coming spring

i picked out my new camera today.  The company i work for is giving me a camera for my tenth anniversary.  The dear woman in charge of ordering the camera gave me printouts with specs for four different cameras.  i haven't owned a camera in years except for the one that is on my cell phone.

i can't tell you a thing about it because i'm so lame about the technology but i'm excited!  i should have it in a few weeks.  First shots will be of the girls and my totally trashed yard, garden and chicken coop.  Winter is taking it's toll this year.  There will be TONS of cleanup next spring.  You know, spring is not that far off really.  February should produce a couple nice warm days and then March will roar in.
Between now and then, Obama will be sworn in and our long national nightmare will be on it's way to memory.  These years have been hard on me.  The weight of the shame and destruction our government has caused has affected me physically.  The despair and hopelessness has made me more and more withdrawn.  i have wrapped myself in a powerful cocoon.   i'm not sure i want to come out but i suppose i must; just as the spring must return.

We shall see.  i am stubborn.  i am stubborn but grateful.  i have much when so many have so little.  

Hey, moonroot posted a recipe for her 'hot mash' that she gave her chickens in the bitter cold.  i can't wait to try it out on my girls.  i'll report back.

So long for now dear amigos.


  1. I'm getting a new camera too, but I had to pay for mine :(

    Hope the chooks enjoy the hot mash!

  2. Thank you again Moonroot. i'll let you know about the mash. We've warmed up but of course that means the price is rain. Lots and lots of rain. And wind. i actually like wind. Anyway...

    i hope you have better camera skills than i. i'll be on a bit of a learning curve with the camera but i am looking forward to it.

  3. BTW my spiritual name is moonwolf.

