Sunday, March 21, 2010

Feeling sad but Spring tugs at me

i want to be sad. i am sad and i want to stay sad for awhile. But spring is tugging at me, demanding my time, challenging me to get busy. i thought i was busy already. . . .

So, i haven't been to Facebook for a couple weeks or more. Work is exhausting and stressful and we have spring about a month early this year. i can't believe it. Hello, climate change. i keep worrying about this summer. i am not so good with the heat. Cross that bridge, cynthia, cross that bridge.

OK, i have a story about my resurrection lilac bush, about my grandson's request to return to the park "that doesn't have swings" and a third topic that gets to my sadness.

i have a lilac bush i bought when i first moved into my previous house. i love lilacs. The smell of lilacs in the spring takes me back to my girlhood home of Miles City, Montana. Lilacs bloomed in April in Miles City but i noticed later that the lilacs bloomed in May in Bozeman, having moved there as a teenager. Mmm, the smell; and you treasured it more because you could not bottle it to save it for later. You had to enjoy it in the moment.
i have had this bush for ten or more years and it has only produced one small flower cluster in that time. i moved it here, to my new home, four years ago. i was forced to make a decision about it's location a couple weeks ago. i had 4 yards of 1/4 minus gravel delivered and my son (and grandson, sooo cute) wheelbarrowed it from the front yard to the back, creating a really nice ground cover under my new veranda. The lilac was right in the middle of the natural pathway to the new veranda. It had to be moved. Damn, i didn't want to do it. Oh, and sure enough i could tell it was going to bloom. Finally!!!!
It could not stay in the middle of the new pathway. i figured the thing would die if i dug it up again so i turned my head and ask my son to dig it up. i tossed it into the compost pile and said my goodbyes. i felt bad, but i guess i had just gotten to the end of my rope with it. Over the next couple week, i noticed that the leaves kept growing and the blooms were also getting bigger. The roots were exposed and all.
So, i'm standing outside admiring my new veranda and nice gravel ground cover when i have a vision of the lilac bush living in the sunflower patch. Now, i love my sunflower patch (pics at Facebook), my mammoths get top priority in the garden. Then i thought that there might still be room for sunflowers and that they might be able to grow together. You got it. i planted the thing, one last time and it seems to like it. It's still growing and, cross fingers, i think it's going to bloom.

This story is shorter but if there is a theme to my post today, it is spring, resurrection and promise. my grandson asked me if i would take him back to the nature park we visited before. i promised and entered next Saturday into my BlackBerry calendar to set the date. Then he asked to watch the videos we took when we went before. So, i set him in front of my Mac and found them (on Facebook). He can't read but that babe can remember what every icon will do if you click on it. It took him all of a couple seconds to have my computer figured out.
i worry so much about what his life will be like, it really frightens me sometimes, but i felt promise in seeing him learn so quickly.

The healthcare bill passed a few hours ago and i am glad it is over but really sad about what it says about our country. We spend months on a piece of legislation that divvies up healthcare so it can profit. We didn't divvy up healthcare so everyone could get some, we divvied it for profit. We are not a we society, we are a me society.
This bill does not provide healthcare for all Americans; some people will still die.
This bill does nothing about the healthcorps anti-trust exemption.
This bill allows healthcorps to sell across state lines. i'm taking bets on which state's legislature will pass "healthcorps-friendly" bills first.
This bill did nothing about fixing the discrepancies in Medicare payments to doctors in different parts of the country.
This bill says, "Hey, healthcorps! Here is some guaranteed, tax payer supported profits. Please use them to defeat any and all Democrats and progressives in the next election cycle."
The ugliness of this fight guarantees no politician will work to improve this legislation. But since there will be no Democrats left, it's kind of a moot point.

It's midnight and i need to get to bed. i do feel the tug of spring thankfully, or i might go crazy.

Love to all mi amigos, mi chickies and roos.