Sunday, February 15, 2009

No Guilt posting

i spent yesterday catching up on my Netflix so, per usual, i feel guilty for not getting more productive things done.  Of course, one could argue that my Netflex IS productive.  


Today, i am wasting away more hours blogging.  No Guilt Zone, chicks and roos.  Today is no guilt blogging day.

Before i leave the whole Netflix thing, i have a recommendation.  Bear in mind that my movie and TV series recommendations are usually rejected by my friends and family, so you can't hurt my feelings if you don't agree with me in these areas (maybe politics but not art).  Robson Arms is a Canadian television production that i think is very good.  If you have ever watched Tales of the City you will know immediately the kind of genre i'm talking about.  i am looking forward to watching the second season.  Also check out another Canadian series called, Slings and Arrows.  Excellent!  Do not let your Shakespeare phobia stop you from watching this series.  OK, ok, enough.  Movin on.

i now am the owner of a camera.  It is a gift from the company i have worked for for ten years. No doubt you will all be exposed to my photographic impulses in the next week.  Don't expect too much.  There is a lot to learn.  Oh my gosh, it is going to take me awhile to learn how to use it as well as how to run the photo program on the computer.  Yeah, i don't have enough going on with spring cleaning, banishing and garden planning to do.  my parents are coming home next month so i will have them coming and going.  
i will be happy to see them but i always worry about having my house just so when they are around.  i won't burden you with my parent/child behavioral quirks.  Suffice to say, i fall short of my expectations which are probably not those of my parents but i always feel like my house and yard are not up to snuff for them.

The sun has finally come out and who knows how long it will last here in western Oregon. Mind you, it is still pretty cold, too cold to do any real yard work.  But, i still get the itch to get out there.  i am also resisting the urge to brood another chick or two this spring.  P wants me to, but i've decided to wait until next year to add to my flock.  i am going to redesign the nest boxes in the coop so i'll keep you posted on that.  i'll do pictures!

i've met J's new friend and like her very much.  They came over last Sunday and i talked her ear off.  i did it for a couple of reasons; nervousness for sure but also because i love to talk politics and such and i talk a lot as compensation for spending much of my time alone.  As i've said before, i am not lonely, i like my own company but good conversation is fun too.  i don't want to jinx anything so i won't talk about J and C except to say first blush is positive.

It is about time to get my taxes done.  This is not only necessary but a part of my whole Spring cleaning-pay old debts-banish negative influences-wrap my home in protection before i plant my garden plan.  i have work to do to get ready to do my taxes, Oy.

Lists will be needed, chicks and roos.  And a plan of attack.  And that is exactly what i am off to do now, mi amigos.  

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Imbolc hiaku

"Brigid," i intone,
"Banish winter's stale dark days
and sweep earth awake."

Spring Cleaning will be early this year

Oh, sisters and bros, chickies and roos, this old crone is mad as a wet hen.

i got a call today from someone at the city, who informed me that our small pile of stuff awaiting spring cleaning to be distributed to recycling centers, second hand stores and the dump must be moved.  An anonymous complaint, is what he called it.  i am not to know my complainer's name and i must comply or eventually go before a judge.

i checked out this pile of stuff when i got home from work.  There is a broken chair, a big plastic car thing my grandson has outgrown, a couple old BBQ liquid gas cans (empty, of course) and some other things. This stuff is all packed around the camper, half hidden to the street.

And!  And, he dared threaten me.  He said my attitude could determine the level of pressure the city might decide to exert.  i question authority and authority gets a harassment orgasim.  

Drama Queen?  i don't care what this is.  i'm mad and i'm not apologizing for it.  This guy had a list!!  And pictures.... OMG!  He came onto my property, made a list and took pictures!!

Is that even legal?  Ahhhhhhhhhgggg!

Don't give up on me yet, mi amigos.  i decided on my way home to let this go and move my spring cleaning up a month or so.  Listen to this.  When i got home i picked up my yet unread Llewellyn calendar and gazed down to see a whole page of banishment spells.  

Girlzzz i am going to do some banishment spellwork.  Spring cleaning and banishment spells; i am pumped!

Wynd?  Are you there?  Hey girl, it's been awhile since we've done ritual.  Whatdaya say?  i feel my witchy groove coming back.  Let's harness some Goddess energy and kick some butt!

Political correction alert!  i am a peaceful, simple-life-loving, live and let live kinda gal so don't get me wrong.  No kicked butts will be harmed during banishment making.