Monday, August 03, 2009

We're having a heat wave!!

It has been a real struggle around here for about two weeks. my area of Oregon doesn't usually experience this kind of heat. The same can be said for the two feet of snow we got last December. It is some kind of weird karma... or just climate change... or just co-ink-i-dink.
The cucumbers, beans, raspberries and sunflowers love the heat though. me, not so much. i am definitely of the delicate flower variety. Yes, i am a wean.

The chickens are holding up well. i give them cantaloupe every afternoon and i have not been shutting them in at night. They seem quite happy to get up when they please and are content to wait for their breakfast until i get around to it. They get cottage cheese, shredded carrots, cucumbers and sprouts every morning. Yes, i know, they're spoiled. So? If you were sweet, entertaining and gave me eggs everyday i would spoil you as well.

Shifting gears, chickies and roos. i am on to healthcare reform. i am a single-payor advocate and i am only willing to settle for a strong public option if necessary. Despite the clean, simple, no hassle advantages to single-payor, despite the cost efficiency and true equality of single-payor, many Americans think that being over-charged, denied services and held hostage by insurance companies is the way to go. Oy...
OK, let's think this through, mi amigos. Do you think for-profit fire departments should be the way to go? Do you think for-profit police departments are the way to go? How about for-profit court systems? Do you think it moral to let someone's house burn down, perhaps with people in it, because they can't pay for fire services? And how sensible is it to let someone who is ill go uncared for? Really? If a person has swine flu, or TB (two very contagious diseases) does it make sense to deny them care? Of course not; you don't want those diseases to spread.

And how about cost. We all know that the larger the pool, the more costs can be spread out (Social Security) and that the large pool can negotiate lower prices by buying in bulk (Sam's Club anyone?). Yet we choose to pay more and deny care to some.
Some say we are a Christian nation; i don't believe this but for the sake of argument i'll go with that for a minute. WWJD, people. How Christian is it to deny healthcare to anyone? How Christian is it to worship the almighty dollar by the way. Isn't there something about worshiping false idols like money and flags in Christian tenets? Get a grip people!
While i'm on the subject of Christianity i'd like to know what Jesus/God thinks of people who think they don't have to take care of the earth that he is said to have given us to live on. What does he think of the way Christians treat fellow humans (non-Christians) that he is said to have made? i'm stopping now because i could go on and on about Christian hypocrisy and blood-letting; not that any other religions are better...

HEALTHCARE FOR ALL, mi amigos. It's the right thing to do.
Praise Goddess.

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