Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is my Garden of Weeden (i know, it cheesy) last February

Late April: The Big Dig

Today, mi amigos, my chickies and roos, today

i finally bought batteries for my camera. These batteries are as expensive as film used to be. Jeez! So, the pictures are proof i don't just sit on my arse. No plush lawn here, there are weeds galore but there is also at least one tiny frog, maybe two. i take this as a victory. Any time i can provide habitat for frogs i pat myself on the back. Frogs need our tender loving care. Their kind are fighting hard to live in our ever degrading environment.

For the first six or seven years of the ninties i worked at a grocery store that was next to a large vacant lot. Every Spring the frogs would chirp and crock for about two weeks, maybe longer. i loved hearing them each spring. The vacant lot is now a learning center and the frogs have moved on. Granson L found one a couple weeks ago and was very excited and i found one yesterday. Then i saw another one. Now, it could be i saw the same one but they seems to be different colors. One was sandy brown and the other one was mossy green. i am going to error on the side of caution and say i have ONE frog for sure, but i have a sneaking feeling there are two. And, if you have read The Alchemist, then you know the Alchemist gave the Shepherd a truism which is: Of a thing that happens once, it probably will not happen again. But if a things should happen a second time, it is bound to happen a third.

i bet i see more frogs, chickies and roos. i'll keep you updated.

Son JR may be over later today. We are planning a dinner of pulled pork, green beans (from the garden) and corn on the cob. But there may be a hitch in the plans. He forgot he was suppose to help my parents move some stuff and evidently there have been 'delays'. i'm sure my Dad is frustrated; he planned to get this done early today. In fact, son MP left early this morning (9:30 is really early for MP, so i am assuming he wanted to make a short job of it as well). So the grandsons are helping their Grandpa get an annoying little chore out of the way and it has turned into an all day job. This is what i like to think of as 'bonding opportunities' for my sons.

It is almost 4pm so i am thinking i may be eating pulled pork by myself.

i want to make a shout-out to my brother RG. i hope he is reading my blog and i hope there will be comments on occasion. We live on opposite coasts and find it hard to find time to talk. By the time i am home from work, he is thinking about going to bed. Three hours are a lot of time to work around. He sent me a birthday card and i was so surprised, and thought it was so nice but by the time i get home, settle in, take care of the critters and such, i forget about making phone calls. When i do remember it is midnight on the east coast... oy.

We just need to decide to use the inner-tubes and the email to communicate. Which, of course, means i need to do my part.

That was a hint, chickies and roos. i have said enough for today and must compose an email to my brother.

Love and light!

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