Sunday, May 17, 2009

The audacity of hope, mi amigos, the audacity of hope

So my camera is needs a new battery already. i have to completely rethink how i use it. The battery does not seem to last too long and at $10 to $15 a pop, it is not even practical. i must be missing something. There is a camera shop near my work so i guess i'll be visiting them soon.

i am really enjoying my stay-cation. Much relaxing and many chores taken care of; not too bad. Tomorrow i am going to do one of my favorite things.... second-hand store shopping. Ohhh, i wonder what treasure i will find? Oh, and Craft Warehouse; i picked up a soldering tool today from a mark-down bin and want to see what i can do with it. So, i want to go by Craft Warehouse and stroll around and see what project i can come up with.

Today is Sunday and i almost always watch the talking heads. It is "try to deflect attention about torture from the Bush/Darth/Rummy/Rice/Yu cabal to Nancy Pelosi" week. I guess i understand, it's worse to NOT report torture than to actually DO torture.
And, what if she had reported it? Do you remember what it was like in 2003ish? If Nancy Pelosi had learned of torture going on and had gone public she would have been accused of treason. i forget who, but a senator learned of the illegal wire tapping going on long before it went public, and knew he could not go public because he would be charged with divulging secrets by the Bush cabal and Homeland Security so he composed a letter of objection and locked it in his safe. He could not even tell his staff.

And here we are in 2009 and now we are being subjected to a kind of 'blame the victim' game by the conservatives. If they can create a firestorm around, preferably a democrat, they can BLAME THE DEMOCRATS FOR TORTURE i can heare them now, "You Democrats didn't stop us, so it's your fault".


i really hope we have learned our lesson and that people will see through this tactic. My personal audacity of hope.

Hey, chickies and roos, i know this is all boring and i am actually relaxed and enjoying my stay-cation so i hate to end on a sour note. The audacity of hope, mi amigos, the audacity of hope.

Love and light to you.

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