Sunday, May 31, 2009

Garden time, Espresso Tales and shame on the Washington elite

Hey chickies and roos!  Getting my garden going is consuming my time these days but it will soon be time to water, water, water and watch the plants grow.  It has been very warm this weekend, requiring me to hide inside during the heat of the day.

Last weekend was Memorial Day and i was determined to get some reading done so i read Alexander McCall Smith's latest installment of The Number One Ladies Detective Agency.  i love his books so much.  i savor them like a one savors a cup of great coffee.  His Espresso Tales series is wonderful as well.  i have been collecting his Isabelle Dalhousie books to take on one day.  

Most exciting of all, i was able to download podcasts for a new book that McCall Smith serialized at the Telegraph.  i am excited to go to work now, since i listen to podcasts while i work (after listening to Thom Hartmann, of course).

News in politics:  Sonia Sotomayor has been nominated by President Obama to the Supreme Court and she is being skewered by conservatives.  It is what they do... idiots.  If they keep it up long enough they will have alienated every possible voting group.  So, of course, i hope they keep it up.
The usual parsing of the candidates spoken or written words is the first shot.  What really pisses me off is that the media perpetuates the parsing by repeating it in the form of questions to 'panelists'. They don't play the whole clip so that the audience can hear it for themselves; they play a clip of Rush or Newt repeating a small portion of a statement she has made.
The best i can figure is that she is fairly neutral politically.  She is not liberal or conservative.  i would have preferred an unabashed liberal but Obama is not a liberal so i suppose i shouldn't be surprised.
Speaking of Obama, i have never expected him to be perfect but his lack of action on gays in the military has me very disappointed.  And, my former senator from Montana, Max Baucus, is downright shameful.  He refuses to let single payor advocates in on the healthcare legislation hearings.  He and so many others are refusing to allow single payor to be part of the process.  This means, chickies and roos, that our government is going to pass a healthcare bill that will institutionalize profits for healthcare companies.  The same healthcare companies that refuse people due to 'previously existing conditions' are now going to profit off the goverment teat. Now the poor will be forced to buy healthcare, taking money they barely have and giving it to healthcare companies.  i am so disgusted and so disappointed in Obama.  Max Baucus and President Obama have great healthcare but don't think my grandson should have it, unless, of course, his parents miraculously come up with a way to pay for it.  

Per usual, i am mad as a wet hen.  i don't know what i expected from the Washington elite.  i guess i thought things would change but Obama is slowly but surely turning into one.  What a disappointment. Shame on you Obama, shame on you Max Baucus, shame on Republican, shame on all of them.

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