Saturday, October 11, 2008

October cucumbers, winterization and how Neo-cons make their caves comfy and warm

i can see cucumbers from my kitchen window.  i'll have to pick them later.  i am officially on vacation so first order of business... blog?

my fingers are cold; kind of hard to type but here goes.  i see Kim Antieau is having some luck in her computer wars.  Fall harvest, sister, fall harvest.  My friend Wynd is schlepping a cast on her broken foot.  my girls, the chickens, are laying great right now.  They really are spoiled rotten... love them!

So it's October and i'm picking cucumbers, amazing.  The cucks go to the chickens, diced up along with a couple tablespoons of cottage cheese and clover sprouts.  i hope i am not making them fat.  i have lots of stuff around here for them to eat.  i have some eggplant and cantaloupe grown in my yard that i cut open for them.  my cantaloupes are really small, baseball size, good though.  A half of one will disappear by the end of the day in their gallinero (coop).  Of course, they always have their layers feed.  Life is good for my girls but it is getting cold and i need to winterize their house and yard.  

That's what vacations are for, don'tcha know.  Ya.

So, the goals for this week are to winterize my garden boxes, the gallinero and my house.  The garden boxes need to have the compost put into them so they can stew through the rainy months to come.  Pick the last of the raspberries, the pumpkins and of course, the cucumbers.  Build a rain shelter for the gallinas (chickens), and wrap the hen house in bails of straw for warmth.

How's that for a list?  i also want to fall-clean my house and get out my winter bedding.  And then there is the whole sewing/craft corner of my living room that is begging for attention.  Always more to do than can be done.  Welcome to my life.  Your's too?  Ya sister/brother... fist bump!

OK, here comes the political portions of tonight's program.  The Neo-cons have just about cleaned out the vault of our treasury and are showing signs of willingness to hand power back to us, the American people.  Now that they have laid our country in ruin, the Bushies are gesturing toward the McCain and Obama campaigns with transition team coordination.  The Bushies seem almost happy to hand the reins over to either candidate.  Even seemingly, to be willing to expedite the process.  They are sooo ready to get out of town.  No doubt they have holes (caves?) to run back to where they have stowed away all their ill-gotten gain.

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