Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Lovely Sunday

i'm still in my jammys, taking it easy, watching the hens and hummingbirds and the weather. The forecast was for snow, maybe. Well, that's enough in Portlandia to get everyone all a twitter. i over reacted by putting the warming lamp on in the coop unnecessarily. Tonight it may actually dip below freezing (not 0, just freezing) and is probably the night to put the lamp on. i try not to put the lamp on more than one night at a time. The girls get a little whack when there is a light in their coop too many nights in a row.

It did finally snow a few flakes for about ten minutes, then repeated about a 1/2 hour later. Nothing stuck tho.  Then, what do you know, the sun came out. Nice! And now the grey skies have returned and it is about 15 minutes before noon. Oh, and as i type the snow has returned.

You would be correct to get the idea that snow is a news event here. One of my favorite things to do is to turn on the TV to the local news when there is a hint of snow. It is big news and everyone gets very excited; the grocery stores empty out and tire stores get a spike in sales of snow tires.

i used to laugh at this, being from Montana where winter lasts more than 1/2 a year, but it can get very serious when it stays at freezing for a few days, followed by rain. The rain falls through very cold air and freezes or freezes on contact with the frozen ground. Now everything is covered in ice and road surfaces are like ice rinks. Of course, if this happens i immediately turn on the TV and watch the local news personalities slide around in front of cameras. Portlandia loves a snow day. Kids get out of school and lots of people stay home from work. It's a totally spontaneous holiday.

Oh, damm. i've got to upgrade my phone and i can't figure it out. i must sign off and deal... love all!

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