Son P has taken on the project of putting in a retaining wall. (Why is he being so nice?) Looks good, don't you think? The new nesting box is in as well. i pretty much had a lazy weekend (no guilt). i really couldn't get much done with P's project going on.
Well, chickies and roos, i really am tired but i wanted to get pictures posted of the wall. We only had to buy a dozen new bricks because we reused bricks from a faux wall out front. As you know if you read me much, i love, love, love reusing. The new nesting box was made out of a salvaged shipping crate, a few screws, and some leftover primer. Nice!
i know i haven't blogged much about politics lately. i hope i don't disappoint, mi amigos. i will say that i think John McCain is performing contortions any acrobat would admire, in order to justify torture. We must atone, chickies and roos. That's the only way to truly do the right thing. Face the truth and atone. Cause and effect, cause and effect, cause and effect... karma, tit for tat, yin and yang, E=MC2... The only way to stop a destructive cycle is with forgiveness. But, forgiveness is not ours to give. It is ours to request only. Atone, hope for forgiveness and refuse to continue the cycle. Sounds so simple...
Maybe that's why P is being so nice.
Love and light my friends!